Babes & Dildos - v1 #4
1992 from American Art Enterprises Inc. 32 pgs, all color! Covergirl Ashley Nicole also has 9 pgs, Tabitha has 8 pgs inc CF - she is also in several other mags - Covergirl of Deep Dildo v1.3, Dildo Dolls v2.1 & Shaved Slots v1.4 and is in Bare Beavers v1.4. Carlotta has BC + 6 pgs (she is Covergirl of Finger Poking v1.3) and Jacquiline Star has 6 pgs. Barely touched, basically new, small 1/2" tear at bottom of spine.
Product #: pn-ba&di-v1.4
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00