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Glamour International #10

10/87 - Black Women & Jungle Girls. This 88 page issue features a wraparound cover by Oscar Chichoni, 'Tarzan Women On Screen - 7 pgs of movie stills of famous 'Jungle Girls' from the 30s - 80s and a neat list of jungle themed movies & serials plus 'Scream Girls From the 50s' - 11 pgs of movie stills and a list of sci-fi films. There is a 20 pg portfolio of Black Women & Jungle Girls with artwork by 11 different artists (mostly 2 pg illustrations) including Jim Steranko, Frank Frazetta & Dave Stevens, 'Khina - Queen of the Jungle' - a 6 pg comic strip by Franco Saudelli and 10 pgs of 'Torchy' by Bill Ward. Also 6 pgs on Fellini's film 'Interview' and 4 pgs of photos by Antonio Luond.

Product #: glamint.10
Number in Stock: 5
Price: $25.00
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