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Glamour International #14

12/89 - Lesbian Issue. This 100 page issue features a wraparound cover by Vittorio Giardino, a long 25 pg article about lesbianism with dozens of photos and illustrations, an 8 pg feature on lesbians in the movies and 'A History De L'oeil' - a 7 pg article with illustrations. There is a 16 page portfolio of lesbian drawings by 7 artists including Howard Chaykin, Guido Crepax and Bill Ward, 12 pgs of Leone Frollo art 'Remembering 'Les Bitches'', 6 pgs of art by Milo Manara, 10 pgs of art by Guido Crepax 'The Vampire' and 4 pgs of art by Massimo Frezzato.

Product #: glamint.14
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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