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Club - Best of # 043

6-7/87 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Ginger Lynn has partial FC + 9 pgs and Amber Lynn also has 9 pgs (8/86). 3 girls & 2 guys in an 18 wheeler share 9 pgs inc CF (3/85) - most of this is Stacey Donovan & Rick Cassidy, blonde is Lois Ayres? Stacey Donovan also has 7 pgs as a lady cop w/ Peter North (9/85 - pg 59 is diff). Danielle Martin as 'Sylvia' has 8 pgs w 2 guys (12/86) and Susan Hart has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend (7/85). Crystal Breeze has 3 separate features. One as 'Susie' is 7 pgs w/ Francois Papillon (1/86), another is 6 pgs w/ a guy & a girl in the jungle (10/85 less pg 63) and lastly 8 pgs w/ an unknown boyfriend. Mag is in nice shape but has a piece of 2" wide clear tape on spine - o/w VG+

Product #: club-bo.043d
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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