Adam Girls - v 01.12
(2/86) 30th Anniversary Special. Huge 132 pg square bound issue is cover to cover color photos, mostly full pg on glossy paper - this is a VERY nice mag! Cover claims 'over 120 women' and that includes Dozens of major stars, mostly w/ only a single page although there are a few w/ 2 or 3 pgs and a handful of pics w/ more than 1 girl. A partial listing includes the following: Jacqueline Brooks, Linda Gordon, Crystal Breeze, Kathy Harcourt, Seka, Vanessa del Rio, Rowan Moore, Anna Ventura, Lois Ayres, Little Oral Annie, Becky Thompson (aka Carol Williams), Danielle Martin, Karen Mifflin, Laura Sands, Tipi Rocks, Carol Connors, Joanna Storm, Erica Elson, Jewel Shepard, Sian Adey-Jones, Candy Samples, Julia Parton, Jill Russo and Lisa de Leeuw. Extremely bright & glossy, this one is basically new but has a very light vertical stress line along the spine and a minor bump on the bottom edge.
Product #: adgi-v01.12b
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00