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Club - 1991-07

Maria Whittaker has beautiful FC, Louise Hodges has 10 pgs inc CF. Suzi Sleaze has 6 pgs as 'Sharon'. Rikki Lee has 5 pgs, Missy Warner has 4 pgs as 'Bambi'. Zara Whites shares 6 pgs w/ girlfriend Mikki Brenner as 'Jan', Vivianna has 6 pgs w/ T.T. Boy. Kathryn Shannon has 3 pgs. Rosey has 4 pgs (she was called Tessa Rosa in 5/91) and a few more girls w/ no names. Bill Ward 2 pg 'Debbie' comic strip. FINE

Product #: club1991-07c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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