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Gala - 1970-12

Covergirl Gloria New also has 4 pgs inc a full pg color Pin-up, Beth Greer is the CF. Arden Price, Rebecca Stoner, Karen Carr, Tina Lava and Lana Vetsis ech have 3 pgs, Brat Anderson also has 3 pgs as 'Ellen Bratford'. Susan Beaudry, Debbie Bell (aka Darby Bridges - Covergirl of The Swinger 10/70), Charleen Lovitt, Billy Kidd, Kitty Brothers, Phyllis Stangel, Cheryl Adams, Andrea Vina and Evie Smith each have 2 pgs. Lots of other models inc Eve Early and Barbara Kockritz. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small corner bumps - VG+

Product #: gala1970-12d
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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