v 21 - Bursting w/Blondes
1987 Spring - An all reprint issue w/ 1 exception. Sabrina has 8 pgs inc CF (7/86). Corinne Russell as 'Bonnie' (6/86), Trine Michelson as 'Monique' (7/86), Maria Berggren as 'Tisha' (10/85 - 8 pgs only) and Erica (3/86) each have 8 pgs. Lindsay Neil (from the Benny Hill TV show) has 7 great pgs (4/85). Laurie (2/85) and Sherry (4/85 less CF + 1 pg) each have 7 pgs. Barbi (Not Barbii) has 6 pgs (2/86) and Sarah Thorne as 'Jill' (6/86 less 1 pg) has 5 pgs. Plus new girl Suzie has 7 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy - barely touched! - FINE+