Candy & John - v1.2
(1982 - AAE, 6.00 cover price) - This is a reprint of John Holmes & Candy Samples v1.2 originally published in 1979 and titled 'In Disco Heat', but with new Front Cover. 48 pgs, all Candy Samples & John Holmes (simulated sex) except 15 pgs John and other girls - several w/ Valerie Clark. Has nice 12 pg color section at center of book including an awesome CF. Very slightly soft bottom corner, otherwise excellent, sharp, glossy - Fine.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Product #: hc-cand+john-v1.2c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00