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High Society - Best Of #007

Fall, 1986 - Erotic Couples. Michelle Bauer has two seperate layouts - one is 6 pgs w/ girlfriend (12/85 less 2 pgs) and the other is 7 pgs inc CF as 'Sheryl' w/ a snake (4/85). Gail Force and Blake Palmer have 8 pgs (9/85). Victoria Knoll & boyfriend have 8 pgs (10/85) and Ali Moore & boyfriend have 8 pgs in a pool (11/85). Girlfriends Sandy & Teri have 6 pgs (8/84). Plus a bunch of anonymous people - 2 girls from 5/85 have 7 pgs, 2 girls from 7/85 have 8 pgs and a couple from 4/85 has 7 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+

Product #: hsoc-bo.007b
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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