Adam - 1980-11
Anonymous Covergirl was also the Covergirl w/ pictorial in Harvey 11/80 as 'Lori' and was in Pub 10/79. Caroline Coombe has 6 pgs inc CF as ' Hilary' (she was also in Caper 6/79 and Club 9/77). Terri Hannon (aka Terri Dolan) has BC + 6 pgs and Linda also has 6 pgs. Plus an Interview w/ pics of porn stud Randy West and Terra O'Hara a 5 pg color comic strip by D. F. Glut & A.P. (Alfredo) Alcala. Article about spanking w/ full pg illo by Bob Bishop. Mag comes with giant 8 pg detachable color poster of Joyce Gibson (one side only, other is blank). VG copy has some normal wear, a small spot on FC and the poster is missing..