Adam Bedside Reader #27
2/67 - Covergirl is Rodica, Elba Serrano on BC (contents have been moved back inside the mag). Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 20 stories including fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'Hymie Raises Beautiful Camellias', Con Sellers 'A Dark And Silver Cord', Jack Ritchie 'Exit Point', Georgie Starbuck Galbraith 'Will She Or Won't She' and W. E. Sprague 'Soldier Of Misfortune' plus an article by Paul Brock 'Britain's Big Boom In Bigamy'. Very bright & glossy, Nearly new but some 'rubbing' on BC - VG++
Product #: adam-bdrd.27d
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00