Late Night Extra - v3.07
1977-06 - Last issue w/ date on BC. British mag from the same people who produce GIRL ILLUSTRATED (Plant News Ltd). Very nice oversize (12" tall) books, 64 pages in length. Basically all photos, many full pg, with quite a bit of color. All photos and mag in general are very good quality. All models are attractive and tend to be busty. These are full of familiar faces so you should be pleasantly surprised. This issue features 11 diff models, of which 5 have 6 pgs each, 4 have 4 pgs each, Angela has 8 pgs - no actual CF, and Nellie has 2 pgs. All of these models have only first names but there are several very familiar faces in this one. Busty blonde Sherri Mason has 6 pgs w/ 4 in color as 'Gloria'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Product #: lane-v3.07c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00