Adam Erotomic - v4 #09
Adam 11/83 features a Samantha Fox Interview w/ pics. Michelle Bauer & girlfriend Terry share 6 pgs, Sylvia Wright and Denise each have 6 pgs, Deirdre has 4 pgs. Plus Veronica Vera in Amsterdam and the 1983 Erotica Awards.
ADAM FILM WORLD 12/83 features an Interview w/ Sharon Mitchell and a 4 pg article about 'The Hunger' starring Catherine Deneuve & Susan Sarandon. Long movie reviews of 'Show Your Love', 'Inspirations', 'Centerfold Celebrities' plus the erotica Awards and lots more.
ADAM FILM WORLD GUIDE 1/82 - "X-Rated Movie Handbook" is excellent for reference. It contains a list of 416 films w/ year made, running times, male & female leads, ratings, themes and other information. It has a separate section of the Top 100 films w/ Synopses of each film and a picture from the film. The Performer Directory lists 236 people cross referenced w/ the films they were in.
Sharp, glossy Fine
Product #: adam-erot-v4.9c