Adam Erotomic - v5 #1
Big squarebound edition contains 3 separate magazines - ADAM v29 #2 (2/85), ADAM CHOICE v3 #2 (6/85) and EROTIC X-FILM GUIDE v3 #4 (4/85) all bound together minus the original covers of the magazines. Extremely bright & glossy, nearly new but small 3/4" clean crease on bottom corner of BC - FINE/FINE+
ADAM 2/85 - Julia Parton has 6 pgs as 'Racquel'. Sarah has 6 pgs, girlfriends Jane & Adele share 5 pgs and Annabel has 4 pgs (is Kathy Harcourt?). Baby Doe has a 4 pg Interview w/ pics. Also an article about Larry Levenson of Plato's in NYC and 'Fanta' a 5 pg color comic strip.
ADAM CHOICE 6/85 is a good issue. Donna Ambrose has 6 pgs in black vinyl on a motorcycle. Annie Sprinkle has 6 pgs, Keli Stewart has 4 pgs and Debbie Jordan & girlfriend share 5 pgs. Plus Susie & Debbie each have 6 pgs and 2 anonymous couples.
EROTIC X-FILM GUIDE 4/85 - Amber Lynn has 14 pgs inc CF w/ Paul Baresi. Vicki Vickers has an 8 pg Interview w/ pics, Gina Valentino has 4 pgs. Also a big 14 pg movie review of 'Caught From Behind 2' w/ Rose Marie. Plus reviews of 'Wild Weekend' - 8 pgs, 'Matinee Idol' - 6 pgs and 'Good Girl, Bad Girl' - 4 pgs.
ADAM 2/85 - Julia Parton has 6 pgs as 'Racquel'. Sarah has 6 pgs, girlfriends Jane & Adele share 5 pgs and Annabel has 4 pgs (is Kathy Harcourt?). Baby Doe has a 4 pg Interview w/ pics. Also an article about Larry Levenson of Plato's in NYC and 'Fanta' a 5 pg color comic strip.
ADAM CHOICE 6/85 is a good issue. Donna Ambrose has 6 pgs in black vinyl on a motorcycle. Annie Sprinkle has 6 pgs, Keli Stewart has 4 pgs and Debbie Jordan & girlfriend share 5 pgs. Plus Susie & Debbie each have 6 pgs and 2 anonymous couples.
EROTIC X-FILM GUIDE 4/85 - Amber Lynn has 14 pgs inc CF w/ Paul Baresi. Vicki Vickers has an 8 pg Interview w/ pics, Gina Valentino has 4 pgs. Also a big 14 pg movie review of 'Caught From Behind 2' w/ Rose Marie. Plus reviews of 'Wild Weekend' - 8 pgs, 'Matinee Idol' - 6 pgs and 'Good Girl, Bad Girl' - 4 pgs.
Product #: adam-erot-v5.1c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00