Rustler Sex Fantasy #7
68 pg mag w/ heavy stock covers is all color on glossy paper featuring 4 diff pictorials that are 16 pgs each. Kascha on FC only. Busty Brittany (O'Neil) has16 pgs w/ cowboy in a barn. Bunny Bleu (w/ big new tits) also has 16 pgs w/ a bodybuilder type in a bathroom w/ blue tile. An Asian girl (pretty sure it's Kristara Barrington) has 16 pgs w/ an unknown guy and Steve Drake has 16 pgs w/ an unknown girl. Vertical crease about 1/4" in from spine, some scuffing, '3.00' price written on cover - interior in nice shape - VG
Product #: rust-sexfant.7e
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00